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  • What is included in the "Portrait of a Lady" experience ?
    An in-person meeting to get to know you better and prepare you for your customized photo shoot. A complementary professional hair and make-up session. An unforgettable photo experience set in the comfort of a high-end studio with gentle coaching in poses that flatter and make you feel your most beautiful and confident self. An empowering experience you'll want to experience at least once in your life ! A personalized photo reveal session to see your beautiful portraits finished, printed and ready to take at home and to re-discover your powerful essence in your beautiful images. You only purchase what you love.
  • How much should I budget for a custom photoshoot ?
    Each client has different product needs, from collections to wall-art. What you buy is totally up to you. You don't have to choose until your reveal and purchase session.
  • What if I don't want wall art ?
    No problem at all ! I understand that every client has different preferences for displaying their photos. While I do offer on a wall art options, I also offer boxes that are perfect for those who do not want to display their photos on the wall. These options provide a beautiful way to preserve your photos and share them with your loved ones. During your reveal appointment, I will show you with a variety of product options and help you choose the best one to suit your preferences and budget.
  • Do you shoot on the weekends ?
    Saturday’s and sunday's are premium bookings and require a 3000€ deposit which will go towards your purchase.
  • Do you offer payment plans ?
    I understand this investment may be significant for some of my clients, which is why I offer a 12-month-payment with no interest, allowing you to pay for your investment in manageable monthly payments.
  • How far out should I book my Photoshoot ?
    I'm currently booking 2 months out. In addition, please allow for at least 4 weeks before the delivery of your finished products. So I advise you to plan your session 4 months in advance.
  • Do I have to pay all of this up front ?
    No, you do not have to pay for your entire photography package up front. I require a 300€ payment to reserve your session, which will be included in your final purchase. The balance is paid in full during your reveal appointment, where you will select the photos you want to purchase and the products you would like them to be printed on.
  • Is it easy to drive to your place ?
    Yes, absolutely! The studio is located just at the southeast entrance to Brussels, near the ring road and the E411. And it's in a charming neighborhood with easy parking. What's more, there's a private garage at your disposal, so your vehicle is secure and your mind is at ease.
  • Can I just get the digitals ?
    Digitals and XXS fine-art are the same price. Each image you purchase comes with its corresponding web-size digital.
  • Can I do my own hair and makeup ?
    While you are welcome to do your own hair and makeup, I highly recommend you let my team to take care of you to ensure that you get the best experience and end result. My team is trained in providing luxury services and will help you feel pampered and confident during your photo shoot.
  • How many looks can I do in a custom session ?
    I recommend 3-5 looks for a custom session, but the number of looks ultimately depends on the flow of the session and your personal preferences. During your consultation, I will work with you to determine the best number of looks for your custom session based on your preferences and my expertise.
  • Can I be photographed with someone ?
    Absolutely ! I encourage clients to bring along someone they love to be photographed with. By the way, "mum and daughter" is one of my speciality ! My standard pricing includes makeup for up to two people.
  • Some of your clients look like models, I am not a model.
    My clients come from all walks of life - they are moms, dads, grandmas, entrepreneurs, and more. I understand that not everyone is a professional model, and that's perfectly okay ! My goal is to create magazine-style portraits that showcase the best version of you. I'm skilled at posing clients to capture their best angles and features. I also offer hair and makeup services to help you feel confident and glamorous during your session. I want you to leave your session feeling and looking like a million bucks, no matter who you are or what your background is.
  • I feel self-conscious about my body & I feel like I need to lose weight before the photoshoot, what should I do ?
    As a mum I’ve seen my body change through the seasons of my life, so I completely understand wanting to look your very best. If, however, you do not lose as much weight as you’ve had in mind, don’t stress or worry ! Know I’ve got your back ! My team and I will surround you with the upmost care and I will strategically pose and light you in ways that will be flattering to you. Anyone – young and old, all shapes, sizes and ages – can do this. This empowering portrait experience is designed to highlight & draw out your unique inner beauty !
  • Do you go on location ?
    It depends on the specific needs of each client. I will work with you to determine the best location for your photoshoot, whether it's in our studio or on location. But let's be clear : my art-like signature can only be reached in my studio. Additional fees may apply for on-location shoots, and I will discuss these fees with you during the booking process.
  • How do you deal with cancellation ?
    Preparing a studio shoot requires a big investment of time and effort, both from you and my team & me. Reserving a date is possible after the payment of a non-refundable retainer. Your session is booked/confirmed once a deposit of 300€ has been paid.
  • Quelle est la politique de vente ?
    Je souhaite rendre mon service abordable et je souhaite que vous puissiez acquérir librement ce que vous désirez. Vous êtes libres d'acquérir autant de fichiers que vous le souhaitez. Mon offre "jewelbox " est désirable et est à un prix avantageux. Mon offre "showcase" est exceptionnelle. Votre galerie privative restera en ligne un mois, le temps que vous puissiez faire une acquisition réfléchie.
  • Parlez-moi de la jewelbox
    La jewel box (20*20cm) est un vrai coffre à bijoux qui renferme et permet de présenter vos précieux souvenirs. Elle est est en similicuir nuage gris poudré ou en rose poudré, au choix. Le couvercle à charnière comporte une fenêtre en acrylique. Son coût est de 800€ et elle renferme au maximum 50 tirages Fine-Art (13*18cm) ainsi qu'une clef USB contenant tous les fichiers.
  • Parlez-moi de la showcase
    La showcase (28*36cm) est un magnifique écrin en chêne massif qui fait office de cadre pour présenter avec élégance vos précieux souvenirs. Cette box possède deux finitions au choix : soit la très chic "sabby white", soit la version plus vintage "décapé". La box coûte 1050€ et renferme vingt photos imprimées en Fine-Art (18*25cm), montées sous double passe-partout. Vous recevez, en plus, toutes les images de la séance en version fichier numérique à télécharger.
  • Peut-on payer par mensualités ?
    Oui, vous pouvez payer par tranches et à votre rythme. Vous passez commande je la laisse en suspens le temps que vous m'ayez transmis le montant total par de multiples virements. Ce n'est qu'en fin de processus que je libère votre souhait.
  • Au secours, j'ai perdu mes photos...
    N'ayez aucune crainte, je sais ce que c'est de perdre ses photos. J'ai donc pris toutes les mesures adéquates et ai conservé vos images bien à l'abri, pour vous. Si une mésaventure devait vous arriver, contactez-moi. Je retrouverai vos fichiers et les remettrai à votre disposition moyennant un coût de 100€ pour les frais administratifs et l'hébergement data. Pour votre plus grand soulagement!
  • Respect de la vie privée ?
    Je tiens à vous rassurer sur deux points : Tout d'abord, je m'engage à respecter votre "droit à l'image" et le "respect de votre vie privée". Je m'engage aussi à ce que vos "données clients" ne soient pas transmises à des tiers, à d'autres fins commerciales : je respecte la réglementation GDPR de l'UE.
  • Vous déplacez-vous pour un shooting ?
    Je ne travaille qu'à mon studio ou à la maternité. Donc, à priori, non. Cependant, si votre projet m'intéresse et qu'un autre lieu de prise de vue s'impose, alors oui. Dans ce cas, je facture en régie : 300€ HTVA/heure, facturé à la minute, et en sus, je compte des frais de déplacement (à 0,5€/heure, HTVA) et de parking. La durée est clairement mesurée et indiscutable : c'est l'heure ( du premier click jusqu'à l'heure ( du dernier click. Le prix peut, à première vue, paraître élevé. Il n'en est rien car il inclut tout le travail en amont et en aval. Pour une heure passée devant vous, j'en passe trois de plus à travailler. Pour de telles commandes, je livre les fichiers full qualité, libres de droits et, évidemment, retouchés selon mon standard.
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